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Become a member!

Weekly subscriptions cost just £3 plus your first visit is entirely free. Annual subscriptions are due on 1st June each year, costing just £8.

As a SMILE member you will be able to attend our weekly meetings, held every Monday (except Bank Holidays) in Liverpool, giving you access to organised gentle exercise and relaxation along with a form of Tai Chi.

At SMILE Liverpool we give you further value for your membership by subsidising trips out and applying for grants from larger organisations to keep running costs down. Our members also support us with sponsorship and raffles etc.

Remember we are a registered charity and are here to help people living with chronic pain.

We also run a members’ draw each week.  It is entirely voluntary and costs just £1.  We add your membership number to the draw and the winner takes the pot.  A great bonus for a Monday morning if you are lucky! We raffle items donated by the membership to raise funds and also attend fairs with our tombola table – gifts supplied by our members. This money is used to subsidise trips and outings throughout the year. Come and join in the laughter and friendship you will find at SMILE.